School Improvement Plan
Goal 2: Whole Child, Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Focus Area: No Exclusionary Discipline
Spring 2022: 94% of FWPA scholars have received no exclusionary discipline
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 96%
Focus Area: Regular Attendance
Spring 2022: 71% of FWPA scholars attended school regularly.
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 90% in regular attendance.
Signature Strategies:
Elevate scholar voice and ownership (e.g., Scholar Advisories) by integrating scholar' knowledge, culture, experience, and feedback into school planning, instruction/projects, assessment, and classroom norms.
Provide staff professional development to increase staff's capacity to engage in conversations about race, bias, and disproportionality to foster positive, culturally sustaining, productive classroom environments and relationships.
Engage Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in a cycle of inquiry using multiple measures to inform and adjust instruction while disaggregating data through an equity lens (interim common assessments-district and building level).
Goal 4: Content-Area Competence, Mastery of All Subjects
Focus Area: ELA SBA
Spring 2022: 80%
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 85%
Focus Area: Math SBA
Spring 2022: 59%
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 69%
Signature Strategies:
Elevate scholar voice and ownership (e.g., Scholar Advisories) by integrating scholar' knowledge, culture, experience, and feedback into school planning, instruction/projects, assessment, and classroom norms.
Design a sustainable, job-embedded, professional learning plan that supports teachers in analyzing student data, developing pedagogical content knowledge, and implementing those instructional practices within the proficient and distinguished range of the 5D CEL framework to support all learners in mastering core subjects.
Engage Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in a cycle of inquiry using multiple measures to inform and adjust
instruction while disaggregating data through an equity lens (interim common assessments-district and building level).