FWPA offers many different options for extra-curricular activities in the form of clubs. Most clubs meet after school from 3:05 to 4:00. Some clubs meet before school. Clubs are a great way for students to engage in FWPA life while pursuing various interests. Clubs at FWPA fall under the umbrella of ASB. Students who wish to form a new club need to talk with the ASB Adviser to learn the process.
The current club offerings for the 2024-2025 school year are:
morning clubs
Friday 7:10 - 8:15 am
Room 302
The ASB is made up of an executive board and two representatives from each Advisory class. The ASB is responsible for putting together extra curricular activities at FWPA. Plans for 2024 - 2025 include: three dances, two Talent Shows, the FWPAthon, End of Semester activities, Spirit Weeks and Spirit Days.
Tuesday 7:00 to 8:00
Room 509
The band will be led by FWPA parent, Mr. Seigmand.
Scholar Advisory
1st Tuesday of the month 8:00 - 8:30
Room 302
afternoon clubs
ASU (Asian Student Union)
First Monday of the month 3 - 4 pm
Room 203
Andrew Young
ASUprovides students an opportunity to learn about Asian culture and the unique contributions of Asians domestically/internationally to American society.
Wednesday 3-4 pm
Room 509
3rd Monday of the month 3-4 pm
Room 203
Tuesday & Thursday
3-4 pm
Room 102
BSU (Black Student Union)
2nd Monday of the month 3-4 pm
Room 203
BSU gives students different experiences to learn about Black culture and the varied contributions Black people have made to societies worldwide including American society.
Monday 3-4 pm
Tuesday 3-4 pm Beginner Chess
Regular Chess club meets from October through May. Beginner Chess only meets until Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, the beginners move into the regular chess club.
Community Service
Monday 3-4 pm
The Community Service Club is open to all FWPA students. The club provides a way to earn Community Service Hours, while completing projects throughout the year. Projects already planned for 2024-2025 include making items for the Festival of Giving Gift Shop, making cards and gifts for the residents of SHAG or other retirement communities, working with the Honor Society on food and/or coin drives, making hats for the homeless. If you have ideas for projects that club members could work on, please feel free to contact Diana Camp.
Thursday 3-4 pm
Room 509
Honor Society
Wednesday 3-4 pm
Room 103
Honor Society is by invitation only.
Knowledge Bowl
Tuesday & Thursday 3-4 pm
Room 100
Knowledge Bowl begins after Thanksgiving and runs through the end of February.
Monday 3-4 pm
This club is part of the FIRST Lego League. Learn research skills, design and problem solving while building robots to compete against other schools in the league.
Tuesday 3-4 pm
Room 204
(NHS) Study Club
Tuesday & Thursday 3-4 pm
Room 103
Members of the Honor Society provide tutoring and homework help to other FWPA students.
Spanish/Latino Club
Monday & Wednesday 3-4 pm